26 Dec 2012

A Guide To Afro Punk

Afro Punk is the alternative black cultural movement that arose by black people and other minorities of color. In today's world, most people think of Rock music as a sole White art form. However, artists like Chubby Checkers and Bo Diddley helped create the genre in the late 1940s. The alternative black people who do not fit the urban life are seen as "strange" by many people.While Afro-punks make up the majority minority group in North America, in Africa the punk community is thriving with lots of black participation.
Titled with "Afro-Punk", James Spooner and Matthew Morgan 2003 documentary cultivated attention to the movement. The piece kept record of the four people’s lives including the punk rock lifestyle and discusses a range of social topics such as black power, racial and ethnic identity, interracial dating and exile.
afro punk

afro punk

afro punk
There are many punk rock bands with black members. Some famous bands include: Dead Kennedys, Death Pure Hell and Wesley Wills Fiasco.Afro Punk music mixes with many elements of African, Black American and Punk rock. The African inspirations are usually drawn from Hip Hop, Afro Beat, Dub sounds, Nigerian music.The Punk rock sound comes from a live band, the social politics, and the diverse array of philosophical and political ideologies.
The fashion in the afro punk style applies the different elements into one. It is bold both for the designers and he way the people matching them.

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