6 Feb 2013

Guide to Punk Fashion

Punk fashion is closely connected with a particular type of music. When punk fashion first arrived on the scene, it was in order to show defiance to the heavily made up look that existed in mainstream music.
punk outfits

punk outfits

Cute Bunny Ears Punk Jacket for Women

Cute Bunny Ears Punk Jacket for Women

Striped Alternative Hooded Punk Jacket for Women

Striped Alternative Hooded Punk Jacket for Women

Today, punk fashion has changed a lot from when it first started, but it still remains easily identifiable. If you wish to dress like a punk, remember that there are different types these days, each of which is affiliated to a particular type of music. Certain common features that exist are tight jeans, preferably black in color, and t-shirts with some anarchistic message. The material most commonly used for trousers and jackets is leather and denim. There is liberal use of spikes and studs on trousers and jackets, and in many cases on wristbands and belts as well. Punks always keep their hair short, sometimes styling them into spikes. Hair is often colored, and the favorite colors used are bright ones such as red, pink, orange, green or blue.
When punk fashion first appeared on the music scene in the 70’s, no one expected it to last for very long. The fact that it has managed to stay relevant for so long testifies to its ensuring appeal.

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