16 Feb 2013

The Origin of Punk Clothing

punk clothing
Punk is a style which is firstly appeared through punk music by some punk bands. The punk style music became popular so fast and welcomed by so many people. Then the fans of punk style music wore the same as the punk singers.
punk clothing

Fashion White Skeleton Print Punk Blouse for Women

Fashion White Skeleton Print Punk Blouse for Women

In the 1970s and 1980s, punk fans sought to break away from the manufactured and marketed trends of mainstream culture. To do this, they deviated from the mainstream in music, hairstyles, and all other possible ways, including the creation of punk clothing. And then this style was quickly mass-produced and becoming a part of mainstream culture. Punk fashion and its mainstream imitators continue to exist in the 21st century till now.
In the very start of the prevailing punk style, the anti mainstream people sought ways to express their displeasure with mainstream culture. They observed that the rebels of the previous decade, the hippies, had failed to create their proposed revolution. Instead, they were slowly integrated back into the common culture, leaving few lasting changes. The founders of the punk movement sought an even more radical rebellion against a culture that they saw as conformist and market-oriented. Congregating around the music of punk pioneers like the Sex Pistols, they created a culture as different from the mainstream as they could make it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice white skeleton print punk blouse for women .Thanks for sharing.

    Punk clothing
